
The GOG Triathlon Club currently has 40 trained coaches and activators. It offers the following sessions on most weeks.  Any changes will be communicated via the members private Facebook page.  Anyone is welcome to attend these sessions, but we do ask that you join the club if you take part more than once or twice.

The following training events are open to anyone.

Tuesday Track (GOG members only) – 6-7:30pm Eirias Park athletics Track (every first and third Tuesday in each month). All abilities are welcome to this session. Our experienced coaches take you through an interval session to improve your technique, speed or speed endurance and pacing. Aimed at improving your V02 Max, 5km and 10km times. This session is ideal for beginners and advanced athletes alike, our sessions are always well attended, with big numbers, we split the groups into 3-5 groups which means you will be running with people who are of similar ability to you.

Thursday interval session 7-8pm from Porth Eirias Car Park (every Thursday except the third Thursday of the month which is a social 5km run)
All abilities welcome. This session is the same session as the Monday night but
differentiated to encourage the beginner athlete. It is a nurturing environment for those who are more nervous about running in a group situation or want to try out a session for the first time. Compared to the Monday session, Intervals may be shorter or the recovery time may be more depending on the focus.

All run sessions are free for our members however, we encourage our triathlete members to attend only ONE of the sessions per week. This is so that you don’t over train and risk injury or illness by over loading the body. Triathlete are encouraged to get their key sessions from a mix of running , cycling and swimming.

In addition to the club training, many of the GOG Squad attend sessions organised by others including:

The following clubs provide training relevant to triathlon:

GOG Triathlon is committed to the principles of Safeguarding in Sport as outlined by Welsh Triathlon and British Triathlon. The club has a Welfare Officer who can be contacted at any time for advice and support.